5 min read

Capture and Review

This step is where the community uses the materials developed in Step 1 to capture and tag videos using a mobile device. Capture and Review should be facilitated in a repeating fashion, where groups capture some content, then review theirs (and other groups' content) before repeating the cycle.

In typical scenarios where each group will perform the Capture/Review step twice, they are encouraged to spend a short amount of time Reviewing content on the tablet device before going to capture more content.

Outcome of Step

Each group should have a set of individual videos which have been tagged.

  30 mins


  • Connection to Indaba Dashboard
  • Android Tablet

Community On-Boarding (once)

We recommend that you (either in individual groups, or as a community) walk participants through the basic steps of capturing content on an Android device. This might include example interviews between pairs, or stand up demonstrations using volunteers to show how to connect microphones, hold devices and avoid typical video pitfalls.

 Facilitator Action: Run the Dashboard

Make sure the Dashboard is running and WiFi is running and connected before attempting to Join a device to a shoot.

Group On-Boarding (once)

This on-boarding process is only required once per group, per deployment unless devices are moved between groups.

  1. Make sure each group has an Android device and any additional equipment (microphone etc.).
  2. Connect the device to the WiFi and open the Indaba application.
  3. On the first run, the App will search for the Dashboard, this may take up to 30 seconds.
  4. Get the group to select the shoot you want them to participate in.
  5. Let the group login, select a Theme and open the camera screen.

As soon as a device has joined the camera screen and has downloaded the necessary assets, participants are able to contribute content without any WiFi connection.

  3-4 hours (over ~2 days)


  • Connection to Indaba Dashboard
  • Android Tablet
  • Microphone
  • Sheet with Tagged narrative

Each group is now given the opportunity to capture the videos described in the paper plan. Often these groups will travel across their locale, interview other members of their group or members of the community. As much effort as possible should be made to support them in doing these things without controlling their access to potential content.

5 tips for a good quality videos

  1. Tap to focus
  2. Make sure your fingers are not on the screen!
  3. Use lighting to your advantage
  4. Take a variety of shot footage
  5. Review as you go!

Ensuring good audio quality

  1. Is the microphone plugged in properly?
  2. Make sure only one person is talking at a time
  3. If possible, work in quiet areas
  4. Encourage quiet participants to speak loudly
  5. Review as you go!
  varies depending on content


Videos need to be uploaded from each Android device before they can be Reviewed or Tagged. This process is best performed by the Facilitator during breaks with the community.

 Facilitator Action: Uploading Content

It is important to build in time into the process to allow content to upload from tablets to the Dashboard. Even when using Titan, this process can take time (> 2 mins per video), so it is often best to start this process in the field if possible, allowing the most content to be available to participants when they want to Review or Create Stories.

Uploading should be initiated when each device is connected to the WiFi and the Dashboard is running on the computer. In some cases, uploading a single device at a time may be faster than attempting to sync all simultaneously.

Depending on the participants, this upload process could be built into 'pit-stops' during the filming process rather than being left until the end of the session, or it could be performed back at base while the devices are charging overnight.

Once content is uploaded from a device it is available to all participants to view and use in making stories.

  15 mins for each hour of capture

Review and Tag

  • Connection to Indaba Dashboard
  • Android Tablet
  • Sheet with Tagged narrative

Key to building content and production value within the community is making sure they Review (playback) their content and that of other groups. Once uploaded, all content is available to them through the Tagging screen in the App.

Each group should be supported in watching what they have captured in relation to the plan they made, following some basic principles:

  • Does the video capture what I wanted to say in the plan?
  • If it does, then apply a Tag to that video (this tag may be indicate on the planning sheet from the Ideation step).
  • Using notions of Introduction and Background, help the group identify missing elements of video to tell their story.
  • Add these videos to the group plan, and then resume the Capture part of the process.


  1. Click on the Tagged Videos screen. Here you can see all footage that has already been tagged by you or others who are part of the shoot.
  2. To tag a video, just press on the Tick button on the bottom right corner of the Tagged Videos tab (middle tab) of the project. You will now see a page with all uploaded videos on this project.
  3. Just tap on any video to play it. While you are playing the video, you can tag the videos using the tags displayed on the top left area. You can tap to toggle the tags.
Updated: 2/6/2024, 2:00:20 PM