Frequently Asked Questions
How many people can share an Indaba shoot?
As many as you like! The only limit to the size of Indaba projects is your imagination.
Does Indaba share my details with anyone?
Indaba does not share any information without your permission. The shoot administrators can choose how they want to distribute share the created videos and footage with others.
What can I do with Indaba videos once they're uploaded?
Indaba’s mobile app lets you make basic edits of footage from your shoot. Alternatively, you can load your footage into editing software such as Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere.
How big are Indaba video files?
Indaba uses your mobile device’s camera at the best settings it can find, so file size can vary. When using Indaba it’s a good idea to make sure you have plenty of free space on your mobile device and only upload footage over WiFi.
It is also important to have some free space on the Indaba Kit you will be using to make sure that all participant videos can be safely uploaded to that device. We recommend that before each deployment you safely move any personal media or large files/folders from your laptop to an external hard drive to ensure that there is enough free space on the laptop for running an Indaba deployment.
Can I get Indaba for Apple phones?
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